What the CDGC does:
- The Child Development and Guidance Centre provides:
- Comprehensive Developmental Assessment
- Early Intervention
- Physiotherapy
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Psycho-educational Assessment
The CDGC promotes:
Early identification and Individual intervention programmes for children from birth to the age of 16, to help them develop their fullest potential.
How can therapy help?
Speech and Language Therapy helps children communicate.
Physiotherapy helps children to move.
Occupational Therapy helps children to master daily living skills and teaches them how to perform meaningful activities independently across their lifespan.
If you are a parent or professional concerned about a child’s development:
Call the CDGC at 450-0240 and provide us the following information:
- Child’s name
- Preschool or school if applicable
- Parent/guardian’s contact number
- Contact number of referrer
- Reason for referral (for e.g. child is 2 years old and is unable to stand independently).
- Parent/guardian’s name
- Name of referrer
Children can be referred by a parent, teacher, doctor, nurse or Community Health Aid.