2015 -the story so far..
At the end of 2014 we received the amazing news that we have acquired a new building and sponsorship to renovate and support our work for the next 18 months. We can not be more excited and has lifted a weight off our minds. It has enabled us to concentrate on the important work of working the children of St Lucia. Our calender this year has been extremely busy with the regular therapy sessions that we provide plus outreach and training sessions.
The year started with the team delivering presentations to Montessori School bout Children & Screentime. The feedback was positive and gave teachers and parents ideas on how to manage technology with our children. The second presentation was to teachers at St Mary’s College as part of their professional development and focussed on Development of Children and Adolescents.
February saw the return of our founder Dr Brigitte Schuling for visit.We used this opportunity to spend some time as a team reviewing our activities and achievements during 2014 and planning 2015. A constructive day with a lot of excellent ideas for us to follow up over the coming months. The major task will be completing the building renovation and move. We are hoping to be moving in the new premises during September 2015.
Early March found us hosting an Orthotics Clinic in partnership with the World Paediatric Programme. CDGC was visited by 2 physiotherapist and 2 students physiotherapists to run a one day clinic. We saw 18 children during the day with a variety of issues. 2 children went on to have surgery courtesy of the WPP.
23rd- 27th March: Organised by St Lucia Blind Welfare, Aretha Cooper & Elaine Clement attended this week long workshop learning how to build low cost bespoke cardboard furniture for disabled children. The workshop was attended by over 20 people with representatives from a number of organisations and facilitated by Molly from the Perkins School for the Blind based in USA.
The team completed 2 x 2 day training sessions for 50 Pre-School teachers. One session held at UWI Campus, Castries on 13th & 14th April and one session in Vieux Fort on 15th & 16th April. We received positive feedback and hope to run more sessions in the future.